Saturday, August 15, 2009

What alternative remedies really work for depression?

Resolved Question

What alternative remedies really work for depression?

I was on antidepressants for nearly two years ,but they never seemed to work and the side -effects was aw-full.I stopped taking them two months back and really feel if I'm in a black hole,but I don't want to go back on to antidepressants as the side effects are so bad.Is there something else I can do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

geez Kat that's a big answer.

first up pinpoint any food intolerances you may have...... food can make you fabulously miserable or fabulously vital and energetic .... depends on whether or not you can assimilate it....... listen to how your body feels when you eat something.... strip your diet back to organic brown rice and eat only that for 24 hours....... then each day slowly add only one new food in ....... and listen to how your body reacts ..... brain frizz, headaches and migraines, total abject depression, nasty mood swings and temper tantrums, negativity and high levels of stress ....... really can all be symptoms of continuing to ingest foods and drinks to which you are intolerant....... fact.... if i ingest even one mouthfull of processed sugar ..... drinks, foods, supplements, medicines ...... it totally FRIES my brains ....... i break out in nasty rashes, have wild mood swings, become totally listless and exhausted, squeal like a banshee at the drop of a pin........ cry hysterically for no apparent reason .... pick ridiculous fights with anybody and everybody ... pretty much it trashes my nervous system ....... i'm highly intolerant to processed sugar and i avoid it like the plague....... go on a food trigger hunt mate........ sure it's tediously insanely boring eating one food then introducing a new one...... but it's slam dunk 100% effective.......... the effect that food and chemical intolerances can have on your health cover practically the whole spectrum of known diseases and disorders.

i also avoid milk and dairy cos it bloats me like the goodyear blimp and causes havoc with my digestion........ thus frying my brains and laying me flat on my back for 24 hours........ and soy does the same thing to me ........ potatoes and carrotts make me itch like a madwoman and leave me completely exhausted ...... but yeah.. that's me and everybody's different..... start with the sugar and eat low sugar fruits like pears and watermelon if you must have something sweet.

you are entitled to feel fabulous in your own body you know.

persisting and doing it this way sidesteps having to fork out oodles of cash to physicians who either do or don't really care and also sidesteps the production line of toxicsludge meds.

eat fresh food.......... eat the freshest food you can find... fresh green and salad vegies, fresh fruit, wholegrains like brown rice... lentils, quinoa, chickpeas, lean red meats and fresh fishes..... low sugar fruits........ no chemicals, preservatives, fillers, flavoring, sweetners et al in fresh food.......... ;0)

ditch the processed junk if you can.

what minx said is great advice. same with emma.. these things are really important. i strongly disagree with S P, that if you're truly depressed no alternative will help. the thing about alternative medicine is it HAS to start with positive thinking or it won't work!! think'll work!!!! Report Abuse

Other Answers (5)

  • A lifestyle change and putting new goals into your life is a good way to start remedying yourself from depression. Trying to make new friends and taking new interests like taking up new hobbies going to new places and trying to think positive when u are feeling down. I went through depression at some point in my life but looking around me and seeing how some people with terminal illness and people who are homeless and foodless are acting with life I felt really stupid to be wasting my life feeling sorry for myself and lurching away from every thing great life has given me. It took strength and some time for me to embrace the fact that life has great this to offer and that life is too short to spend it being sad...
  • Force yourself to shower or bathe every day. Taking care of personal grooming is important. Be physically active for short periods of time through out the day. Leave the house even if it's only to walk around the yard. If the sun is shining go outside and let it warm your skin. Do things that keep you engaged outside of yourself. Make a list each evening to guide you through the next day. Do those things and check them off the list. Stay hydrated and fed. Stay away from drugs and alcohol, they will only serve to make whatever difficulty you are having more so.
  • There are no proven beneficial alternative meds. Search among those proven to help at least somebody. If you have not tried Lamictal, give it a shot. It has helped a lot of manic depressives. And Xanax makes some people more depressed...especially on arising, so beware.
  • If you are truly depressed no alternative will help.


  • exercise. join a group activity. get out of the house . if you live alone get a dog.


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