Friday, August 28, 2009

Is Buying Sleeping Tablets Online safe?

Resolved Question

Is Buying Sleeping Tablets Online safe?

I am looking at various promotions where if I buy some over counter sleeping tablets I will get a free trial. Do you think buying sleeping tablets online is safe or will I deal with a dodgy pharmacy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I am afraid it's looking a bit bleak.

Hundreds of Web sites offer prescription drugs for sale, and the number of online pharmacies is growing daily. While legitimate pharmacy sites can provide a private, practical, and sometimes cheaper way to obtain prescription medications - particularly for those who live in remote areas or are unable to travel to pharmacies - online buyers must take extra precautions to ensure that they are receiving safe medications from a reputable provider.

However if you decide to buy OTC sleeping pills, there should not be a problem. According to http://www.bestoverthecountersleepaids.c…

SO: You will be safe if you stick to over the counter medications !

First and foremost, before you purchase medications from an online pharmacy, check to be sure that you are dealing with a U.S. state-licensed pharmacy. A list of licensed online pharmacies has been developed by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacies (NABP) and can be viewed at their Web site ( The NABP has also developed a program to help you identify online pharmacies that comply with all state and federal regulations for dispensing of medications.

Purchasing drugs from an illegal online pharmacy can cause serious health risks. Drugs sold by an unlicensed pharmacy may be:

• outdated or expired,
• may be manufactured in substandard facilities,
• may contain dangerous ingredients, may have been improperly stored,
• or may be too strong or too weak.


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Other Answers (7)

  • Hi Sarah,

    If you are looking for prescription medications, all the above responses make sense.

    however, if you are looking for natural supplements, then the case is different.

    You should always try & buy supplements from reputable companies which manufacture their products in an FDA registered, GMP ( Good manufacturing Practices) compliant facility and adhere to Full Spectrum Approach of extractions.

    In your case

    Both herbal and homeopathic remedies are commonly used alternatives to sleeping tablets in reducing insomnia, and can be very effective in helping to assist an individual in the transition to peaceful slumber without strong sedatives or any concerning side effects.

    Certain herbs such as Hypericum perforatum, Scuttelaria laterifolia, Passiflora incarnata can be used to maintain healthy sleep patterns and promote optimal balance of sleep-related hormones involved in the sleep cycle.

    Homeopathic remedies such as Coffea C30 and Nux Vom. C30 are also used to reduce insomnia and maintain restful, satisfying, and healthy sleep. Other natural supplements that are widely used to address the underlying causes of chronic insomnia are calcium lactate, magnesium lactate and vitamin B6.

    These 2 hugely popular natural remedies… and… should ideally take care of your problem. It seems, the site offers some great COMBOPACKS also.

    Check them out

    Hope all this helps

    Good Luck!


  • I think sleeping tablets are unsafe no matter where you buy them. Try to eradicate the cause of your sleeping problem before you think to take medication for it. If you have to take anything, then search for safe alternatives. I've heard some people say that valerian (the standardized type) will help you relax and promote sleep.
  • Dodgy, because you do not know what is in the tablets they send you. Get something from a herbalist, something that is safe.
  • Very very unsafe... there are a few reputable pharmacies on line,
    but none that offer a free trial. Go to your local drug store and buy
    something over the counter (as long as you are over 18), or go to your doctor.
  • An interesting question with 2 opposing answers already. There are pros and cons on this matter. My advice is caveat emptor (i.e. buyers beware!), so it is always safe to make inquries and deal with reliable sources.
  • Definitely not. Lots of the tablets online are cheap because they don't contain the chemicals they should and can often be bulked with any number of unknowns.
  • It is unsafe and don't play with life.


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