Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can you die from smoking weed?

Resolved Question

Can you die from smoking weed?

I smoked with my friends a while ago and I haven't smoked in a very long time. But after about 10 minutes it hit me. I started going numb and couldnt feel anything. my mouth felt dry even though i was drinking water and i couldnt even tell if i was breathing and that freaked me out because i thought i was gonna die. is it possible? has anyone died from smoking weed before?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Marijuana is generally non-toxic, even in high doses. However, a very tiny minority of the population is allergic to marijuana. They will break out in hives and have breathing difficulty if they smoke it.

What you experienced is probably just anxiety from getting too stoned along with some sensory changes. It is highly unlikely that any adverse reaction would take place unless you had a preexisting heart condition, which is highly unlikely at your age.

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Other Answers (12)

  • Well noone has died from smoking weed to answer your question, but smoking excessively will do long term damage. Of course if you want to look at statistics and risk of death that is comparable then junk foods and burgers and fries are a lot more dangerous than marijuana. While long term effects of smoking pot may be visible in the aged population who have been smoking the substance for decades the largest cause of death is cardiovascular disease largely attributed to trans fats in your burgers and fries, red meats, etc. So, I guess they are a lot more dangerous and maybe we should avoid them too. More people dies in motor accidents than from long term marijuana usage so maybe we should all stop driving. The long term effects of living in a city are much worse with pollution and stress causing far more ailments and deaths than any drug. A sedentary lifestyle or working in a stupid corporate job causes a higher risk of heart disease and stress disorders than marijuana. Eating genetically modified foods, refined foods, saturated fats, food cooked in nonsticks, foods with MSG and a variety of other foods that have become a part of our modern culture is far more dangerous in terms of long term damage as compared to marijuana.
    If looking at short term damage or rather immediate death, marijuana poses no risk whatsoever, but traveling by car, walking on a road, or even swimming pose much greater risk. Hell, if you live in the United States of America you have greater chance of dying in a school shoot out than from marijuana!
    I would think that it should be apparent which is the greater risk, and should we avoid all risks or should we avoid selectively?
  • nobody has ever " overdosed and died" from smoking weed, however, in the long run the health authorities are finding a lot of cases of deadly emphesyma in old , long term pot smokers. Pot has 400 more dangerous, lung damaging chemicals in it than tobacco( many of them connected with the fertilizers that the growers use to speed up the crop) . ( yeah, I know, all your pot smoking frinds say different but the long term health hazards are the same or worse than smoking cigarettes,. Who are you going to believe, a bunch of stoners, or healthcare professionals)
  • To overdose on THC via smoking is impossible. THC also has cancer preventing propeties but when smokeing it like all smoke it can and will eventually hurt your lungs maybe give you cancer.

    NO there are no know deaths realted to solely pot use. The super high you were getting is because you probably smoke a good bit for your first time in so long your tolerance was down i smoke two blunts after not smoking for a year and i threw up because my equilberum was gone. after that i wa back in good blunt shape

    just be carful I know some people who are alergic to THC it doesn't cause them to stop breathing but does give them a rash
  • no that is just called being high. it is completely normal, its just how you feel.

    that happened to my friend and she thought she was dying too.
    you just need to rest, lay down, and drink lots of water.

    you can die, but its very hard to overdose on that. but there can be bad long term health affects.

    if you don't like feeling like that, then don't smoke.
  • Are you kidding me??? There are tons of legit resources online that state no one has EVER died from weed ingestion, overdose or any other method.
    Sometimes paranoia is accompanied by marijuana, I think that is what you are experiencing. Dont think about it, and relax. You will get used to it.
  • did you know there are people out there that are allergic to water??? WATER! so, I'd say that yeah, it's possible to die from weed if you're allergic to it or something. Anything is possible.
  • yes it is possible to die from weed. you'd have to smoke a lot of it though. weed isn't as safe a drug as people think, it has been discovered that weed is a lot worse then tobacco
  • its impossible to od from weed and nobody has ever died from it

    some types of weed make you feel numb for some reason
    and your mouth was dry because you got cotton mouth, and thats completely normal
  • NO but you can die as a result of something dumb you do when you are "high"
  • no , you cannot die . unless you got somthing dhats laced with wet or other drugs , so make sure you know where its coming from .
  • Lol. Don't think soo. Relax. Eat some food and take a nap. You'll be aight.
  • Smoking marijuana cannot directly kill you in the fashion you are talking about. It has more chemicals in it than tobacco (although you may notice that it isn't "more toxic chemicals"), however it does NOT have more chemicals than cigarettes.

    It will take the average marijuana smoker 20-30 years to get the same lung damage that the average cigarette smoke gets in one year. This can still lead to diseases such as lung cancer, however marijuana smoke affects a different part of our lungs than tobacco smoke, and this part does not put them at risk for bronchitis or emphysema.

    Because people who smoke marijuana casually smoke so much less than tobacco smokers, the risk for diseases is significantly decreased. No study has ever shown that marijuana ONLY smokers have an increased risk of cancer. Many marijuana smokers smoke cigarettes too, however, and this has skewed some study results that did not take this into account. The results from the studies which do not take this into account have been discredited by the scientific community.

    Of course, all of this changes when you use other methods of using marijuana. A water pipe has decreased toxicity in it's smoke, and vaporizer smoke is harmless. People who use vaporizers are at a negligible risk from what they inhale. Cooking it in food is also harmless.

    I am confident that marijuana is a drug that although not good for you, is not particularly bad for you either, and is well withing the rational limits of safety for users with any common sense. I have even been told by my doctor that marijuana is okay to do (although not healthy).

    The people who are pro-marijuana are not just a bunch of potheads and idiots. We do our research, and have medical science on our side. Please don't bash it before you look into it. You end up being the ones looking foolish, not us.

    I'm sorry that this rant was mostly aimed at the other people who are poting on this question.



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