Saturday, August 29, 2009

Is it worth putting up the extra cash for a vaporizer, instead of using a bong/waterpipe?

Resolved Question

Is it worth putting up the extra cash for a vaporizer, instead of using a bong/waterpipe?

A decent bong costs around $50 from what I've heard. A decent vaporizer costs around $200.

I don't want to make anything myself. I'm not a do-it-yourself type person, and I'd much rather pay for the result of someone else's expertise.

I'm nearly sold on the health benefits of a vaporizer. But that's still a lot of money. I don't know anyone who has one.

I've also heard that you get the same effect using a vaporizer that you would get by smoking, but you'd have to smoke more in order to get the same effect. So would a vaporizer "pay for itself"? Kind of like a hybrid car paying for itself after you've driven it long enough, due to the better gas mileage?

Additional Details

I'm talking about the kind of vaporizer you would use to heat herbs, as opposed to smoking them.

2 days ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

If you are a heavy smoker, using a vaporizer will really save your lungs in the long run.

If you are a light smoker and you have really potent medical grade marijuana and you are a 'one hit quiter', you might be able to take the occasional toke on the water pipe without it affecting your lungs or athletic performance, but if you smoke much more than that or mostly get cheaper shwag weed that you have to smoke more of, it will eventually take its toll on your lungs.

Get a good quality vaporizer....nothing fancy like a Volcano, unless you want that, but I wouldnt go for anything cheaper than a vapor brothers entry level model.

I dont think a vaporizer makes it taste "stale". It has a really light flavor, like steam. Its not as rich as smoking from a pipe, but that is the reason why its better for your lungs.

If you get a cheap vap, then you will have to burn more to get the same effect. If you get a really efficient one that heats fast with a good shape to the bowl, then you might actually get higher off the same amount since burning preserves less of the THC.

Honestly, it is less convenient an a little more work to set up, and you might still end up smoking from your pipe now and then, but having the vap will help save your lungs.

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Other Answers (2)

  • Not really, because you would have to use more to get the effect. It also takes time to heat up, and makes it taste stale.
  • Vick's vaporizer is only $29.99 at RightAid.


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