Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is there any down side to Acupuncture?

Resolved Question

Is there any down side to Acupuncture?

i have been thinking having Acupuncture down for my nerves .... i am constantly nervous..... i am always thinking of worse cause scenarios.................. :/

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

New patients are often nervous about Acupuncture, so you are absolutely not alone. What most people find is that their expectations and fear about the procedure itself is greatly, greatly exaggerated. Patients routinely relax to the point of napping while lying on the tables during their Acupuncture treatment.

Minor negative outcomes to Acupuncture treatment tend to be very, very mild. People occasionally get a minor bruise at a needle location. You might feel one or two of the needles upon insertion, which if too uncomfortable are adjusted or removed. Occasionally a drop or two of blood is expressed from the point of puncture when the needle is removed.

Serious negative results are extremely, extremely rare with board certified Acupuncturists. Serious negative outcomes are so rare in fact that medical malpractice rates for Acupuncturists have actually sharply declined in the United States. Worst case scenarios are tantamount to being hit by lightening.


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Other Answers (3)

  • Acupuncture is safe as long as it is done by a licensed and certified acupuncturist. The only down side really that I have seen personal are some problems causing inflammation of the area used. Ie) some patients of mine who are in the armed forces had treatments done to their ears after about their first 5 times they were getting inflammation in their ears for while. After which the inflammation stopped. I had to check their credentials to ensure they were certificated and licensed by the state. Since these were private practices not through the VHA system.


  • No, there is no down side. I have had it numerous times and it is very relaxing.


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