Thursday, September 17, 2009

Legal Buds VS Party Pills?

Resolved Question

Legal Buds VS Party Pills?

So you might have heard of party pills(sometimes called legal Ecstasy) and more likely legal buds(herbs pretty much). Now I know none of these will do what the real stuff does but I want to know which is best for a night on the town with some friends or my girlfriend. I plan on maybe going to a night club or just hangin' out at the movies or something.
Since I can't honestly say I've had a 100% true high before I don't want something that'll hit me like a brick wall when the high wears off, or something that'll scare me into a bad trip and have me jumping in front of cars.

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Also don't tell me not to do it, it's either this or dangerous illegal substances. And some of the party pills are actually good for you. Same with the buds.

16 hours ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

those party pills contain legal stimulants. mostly synthetics. they are total crap compared to what they are trying to replicate. Legal buds have a synthetic cannabinoid that mimics weed's effects. Good ...but still ....its not the real thing.

There is absolutely no replacement for ecstacy. nothing replicates its effects. the pills are just a cheap imitation no better than caffeine. some of them are even dangerous.

if you really want to try a legal natural drug that comes close i would go with San Pedro Cactus. the cacti contain mescaline but these are legal cacti that are sold in home depot or target. if you cant find them locally you can get them off the internet. you just make tea out of them and get a 6-hour high that feels like you are at peace with the world.. if you drink a large amount you can get colors and visions too.

mescaline is prolly the closest you will get to ecstacy without actually taking it. the two chemicals (MDMA and Mescaline) are very similar in structure.


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Other Answers (3)

  • Ok Ive tried both extacy and i smoke an herb almost everyday for about 4 years now....for a "night on the town" id suggest herb. If your going to be home with supportive friends and very comfortable with your surrounding and friends do extacy! Ive only had the chance to do it once, when i was 16 and i took 3 double-stacks, it was the most fun ive ever had. You get extremely energetic and EVERYTHING is much more attractive and appealing....please if you need any more advice e-mail me. - Amber


  • Since when is pot or ecstasy dangerous? I've never heard of these "legal" pills, but I'm gonna guess they suck. I don't think you're going to jump in front of cars. You wouldn't even do that on any illegal drug...unless you're stupid.
  • id go with weed for sure

    eeeee is a lil more it for a bomb long night =]


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