Sunday, September 13, 2009

What is the BEST medicine to use if you have a clogged nose?

Resolved Question

What is the BEST medicine to use if you have a clogged nose?

What about for coughing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Hi anny,

A warm salt-water solution poured through the nose provides great relief in sinusitis or nose congestion. A ceramic pot (a plastic one may also be used, it is far easier to carry) known as a "neti lota", makes this procedure very easy. Fill the pot with warm water and add enough salt so the solution tastes like tears. Stand over a sink and tilt your head far to one side so that your ear is parallel to the floor, and pour the solution into the upper nostril, allowing it to drain through the lower nostril. You have to breathe through your mouth while doing this. Gently blow your nose using your gut muscles without applying pressure on your lungs as this may throw the mucus along with the bacteria back into your throat and the Eustachian tubes. Repeat on the other side. This procedure may be performed two or three times a day. It is a part of the yogic therapy and is extremely beneficial in sinusitis.

Yoga (neti pot use is actually a part of it) is extremely beneficial, especially when you use herbs along with it.

Natural and holistic treatments have also been used for centuries to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis. Very often, conventional medications have harsh side effects and using more natural alternatives like herbal and homeopathic remedies are much safer and gentler for the body.

Herbal remedies are there to alleviate the symptoms by reducing inflammation and, if you still take prescription medications, also help them in curing the infection. Of course, some of them like Echinacea, help tremendously in not only giving a fillip to your immune system but also help prevent colds and shorten the duration of your cold or flu.

A highly effective herb is Quercitin which contains anti-oxidants and helps to promote healthy circulation and boosts immunity. Another carefully selected herb is Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright) which is beneficial for good eye health. In addition, homeopathic ingredients such as Arsen alb, Nat. mur. and Kali mur. help to maintain the skin and nervous system as well as liver health.

You may wish to read further an intriguing article on sinusitis (I recommed reading this and not something on cold as stuffy nose is a classic symptom of sinus problem)

Hope that helps


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Other Answers (3)

  • One non drug way to decongest your nose is, of course, to add moisture to the air you breathe, either through a vaporizer or humidifier or even a hot shower. But Irwin Ziment, M.D a professor of medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles School of medicine, likes to take the historical approach to naturally relieving a stuffy nose.He believes that "a hot remedy for a cold disease" is the way to go-just as mama always told you.
    Actually, the old folk remedies such as mustard plasters and chicken soup have physiologial basis in fact, says Dr. Ziment. They really do work-by helping to liquety nasal secretions. With the mustard- plaster-on-the-chest routine, for example, the heat from the plaster stimulatesblood flow to the upper part of the respiratory tract and may lead to an increase in nose secretion.


  • sudafed works great for sinus issues for me.
  • A small pot with a bit of salt and warm water streamed into the nostrils


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