Sunday, September 13, 2009

What are some good natural supplements like from GNC?

Resolved Question

What are some good natural supplements like from GNC?

that will assist me in losing weight and stll having energy such as fish oil etc.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Well, any supplements to help you lose weight is either going to be a fast loss which also makes for a fast gain when you stop taking it (eg. colon cleanses), it's something that is going to starve your body of certain nutrients that it needs, or it's not going to be a sole source of weight loss. What I mean is that exercise is going to be required for any solid, long-term weight loss... it's also a really good (and safe) way to lose weight. Unfortunately there's no magic pill that will make you lose weight while you sit on the couch. HOWEVER, exercise doesn't have to be anything proper or official, you don't need to go to a gym, wear certain clothes, and you don't have to be around people who are in better shape. Exercise can be done while you're at work, watching TV, and even just doing everyday tasks... take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot, walk around the building at work during breaks (especially if you sit all day), work various muscles during the commercials when you watch TV (crunch your abs, stand up repeatedly, lift pop bottles or some sort of weight, etc), run around with the kids for 5 minutes at home (if applicable), etc, etc. It doesn't have to be "typical exercise".

That being said, some of the best supplements I've seen that can help lose weight with exercise are Chromium, Tonalin CLA, and/or L-Carnitine (all of which are natural and should be in your local health food store). In addition to that, I would recommend meeting with a nutritionist or dietitian to see if there is something else that may benefit you more.

After all, as long as you are at a weight where you are healthy, the most important part is that you are HAPPY with your weight... not that you "should be X pounds", but that no matter what you weigh, you are happy with that instead of striving to be a size 2 or something like that. Good luck and I hope I helped!


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