Sunday, August 23, 2009

Juice fasting/detox question. Am I doing something wrong, or am I just not very toxic?

Resolved Question

Juice fasting/detox question. Am I doing something wrong, or am I just not very toxic?

So I have been on a juice fast/detox for 4 days now, consuming only about 300 calories of juice per day, and lots of water. I haven't had any of the nasty detox symptoms people have described...No headaches, no nausea, nothing at all. I've actually felt really good and not even been that hungry.
I've also been drinking cayenne pepper tea with lemon twice a day throughout the fast, and tonight I did a salt water flush, and it worked well, but was entirely liquid. I'm not sure if that's normal.

Everyone else I know who's done a juice fast like this felt really ill and tired after the first day, and experienced at least some detox symptoms, and also passed a lot of ungodly things after the salt water flush. (Haha, sorry)

I'm 20 years old, vegan, healthy weight, I exercide moderately, I rarely eat junkfood, no drugs, I don't drink often, so there's really no major source of toxins I guess, but I was expecting to get some noticable results from the detox at least.

So based on this information, would you say I'm doing something wrong, or should I just be satisfied with how easy my fast has been so far?

P.S., if you are going to preach about how 'horrible' fasting is, please don't waste your time. I've done my homework on the subject.

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Umm. Thanks a bunch M S. lulz.

1 day ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

go to swami RAM DEV on WWW.YOUTUBE.COM
ask him how to detoxify your intestines it takes 3 days to sit ina toilet to catch Diarreha to cleans your body.
wlak walk.
drink water water water .
get asquash make a juice.
get a karela tomator and khira blend it drink juice.
only Baba Ram Dev can tell ytou how to cleanse your stomach.
or go to Ayurvedic Dr and tell him the truth what you been taking and they will figure out whats inside the body.

there was a ayurvedic Dr in NY sikh temple over Decade ago. we don't know where he is may be Fl ask Sikh Sangat of ONG island Gurudawara. May be they know where he is at.
he claimed to fix diabetise but his guide lines were very tough on food habbits no flesh live on sprouts only these Desi hakkim can tell you
eat boiled broccali with vinegar and pinch of salt and spicies and
broccali can heal your stomach and your mind and get the gunk out
get hungry eat the left over broccali.
eat Pears applea Papaya eat all the sesonal fruits eat indian vegetarian light foods and eat foods from yur parents cooking if they are around. tell truth to your parents and tell this what you were doing to your mind and body they will figue it out whats wrong.

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