Thursday, August 20, 2009

Is weed good for you?

Resolved Question

Is weed good for you?

I've heard people say they smoke weed not tobacco products because well they tobacco messes up the lungs and stuff but what does weed do besides make you fell high?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Tobacco ruins your lungs. Weed ruins your liver,pancreas and destroys brain cells. You decide.


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Other Answers (5)

  • I am not sure how good it is for u but i would rather have any body smoke pot then any other drug. They need to make sure they don't get hooked on it though. Cause if a person get hooked on it some times it can be hard to pull off of it emotionally. Its not physically addicting though. Crack, pills, acid, opiates & other drugs are the worst to try ever. Even smokes & alcohol are not good either. Most times you can mix anything with pot & it wont kill you. Now mix antidepressants with acid or meth & you got a deadly combo!
  • Even if you only inhale the THC (no tar or anything else), it kills your brain cells. All it does is help you temporarily escape from reality and then get shoved back into it with a crash. Not to mention that it gives you the munchies, which could lead to obesity. Not to mention impaired judgment and hand-eye coordination..

    I'm not trying to convince you either way, but there certainly are better ways to spend time and money.


  • I don't smoke weed but I suspect weed is not as bad a it is made out to be.The Governor is trying to legalize marijuana for everyone not just people with medical conditions.So obviously it is not as harmful as cigarettes or tobacco.
  • Addicts you pretty hard, but apparently it does promote a healthy mentaility among those who use it safely, like the rastas. But there's alot of argument about it, and wether or not it should be legalized because of this question.
  • "Even if you only inhale the THC (no tar or anything else), it kills your brain cells."

    Tetrahydrocannabinol affects brain by activating CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.
    And in quantaties any human being can normally consume it is not toxic.


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