Resolved Question
Suboxone Withdrawal Spread?
Okay, i cut down about eight days ago. I medicated my self with suboxone, i was an addict to oxys, so i wanted to get off b/c i was in no pain to stay on any of this. Well any way, after cutting down from about 16mg at start, all the way going down to 1mg in 5 months, trying to skip days inbetween well, i finally reached that end about 8 days ago, i mean it was hell, i never felt so crappy, i got though the worst which was day 2-4, 5 sorta got better, i mean i could atleast now touch a damn ham burger and smile doing it, but i finaly woke up on day eight, and just still feel like im wearing a 500 pound lead suit of hell from my sin of ever starting this, i want it lifted and am willing to fight to the end with my head so far up its *** it will **** me out a new man. Well as i said just the energy is pretty much driving me nuts, but the pains and shits are done, anxiety went away as well, i just would like to know for sure if anyone could give me some real helpfull info about how much longer this will last, remember i tapered down to 1mg for about 3 weeks, and it is day eight, i know im past the half life which is 36 hours and im about 6'2 160 pounds :( lost weight, but im pretty skinny so it shouldn't last in my fat long at all. Any idea how much longer i'll be going though this? Thank you for your help, and im very sorry to anyone reading my mistakes and im very happy that you went though and read this just for me. Thank you.
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Please, People That have gone though detoxing results from suboxone, subs are different then normal opiates, like oxys, roxys, hydros, are the base, while METH, MORPH, and Heroin are all heavys, but subs are like suboxones, completely different withdrawls, i mean heroin will make you feel like death for about a week, meth will last about 2 to 4 weeks, but thinks like suboxone i cant predict, its a 3 chem substance. i don't remember all the ingredients but i know one is a mental, for it stops the wanting of the opiates, one stop anything from going to your brain, and the other is a synthetic opiate, please some help with the withdrawals, some insight on soldiers who fought though it and conquered all of this.
18 hours ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I detoxed off suboxone last January. Unlike you though, I didn't ween properly with my doctor, instead I just got to the point where I spontaneously said, I'm sick of being on this and sick of everything in my life. I packed up my car with all of my stuff and took my one weeks supply of suboxone with me. I weened from 2 a day to 1/2 a day until they were gone over the course of two weeks. I have to say I was terribly sick during the first week . I was in Key West with a bunch if hippies I'd picked up at the rainbow gathering in Ocala, and I literally felt like I was going to die. I slept inside my car for 2 full days. The first week was definitely the worse though. The thing that really helped me was getting as much sunlight as possible. For me it seemed to release endorphins and get the chemicals out sooner. Other then that though all I can recommend is taking vitamins and trying to get out and do something you enjoy everyday. It's definitely a struggle, I've been off since January now and I still have cravings everyday and low energy. Good luck I wish you the best.
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Other Answers (2)
- I know how hard it is. I stopped oxys about 7 months ago and every day is a struggle. The worst is over. The hardest part is the mental crap as far as Im concerned. You have to try and keep yourself busy. I still have days where I have to push myself to get up and do something. Try and get some physical exercise, take vitamins and eat right. That will help more than you can imagine. If you can try and go to a narcotics anonymous group to help you with it. The people there have been through everything and are very helpful. good luck to u and take one day at a time.
- suboxone didnt help me i had go thu methadone clinic i was shooing pure afghan mudd for the ones that dont know wat that is it pure black tar heroin an also shooting oxy's dadlid but you can get hooked on the methadone but you just gotta wanna quit over time just keep getting your dose lowered i been clean for 78 dayz so i know it works best of luck bro it is one hell of a monkey to get off your back
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