Resolved Question
What's the best medicine for those who has a hyperthyroidism?
I have been using NeoMercasole for 2 years now but it seems that it doesn't have any improvement. Could anyone help me about my problem, please? Thanks in advance!
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
A naturopathic physician can give you an herbal tincture that includes leonorus and lycopus and other herbs. You can try this to see if it will be more successful than your current meds.
One of the ways to help yourself is through diet. Eat a lot of broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, turnips, millet, soy, peanuts, and spinach. All of these foods are thyroxine antagonists, which means that they lower thyroid hormones that you have too much of.
DO NOT eat/drink: coffee/tea, foods with iodine, sea salt, kelp, and do not take vitamin supplements that contain iodine.
You may benefit from taking vitamins E, C, B-complex, calcium, zinc, Omega-3 and a multivitamin as well.
Some people need surgery to remove their thyroid when nothing else works for them. If you have been on meds for two years and you start doing the above things and they don't help then thyroidectomy surgery may be your only option.
One of the ways to help yourself is through diet. Eat a lot of broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, turnips, millet, soy, peanuts, and spinach. All of these foods are thyroxine antagonists, which means that they lower thyroid hormones that you have too much of.
DO NOT eat/drink: coffee/tea, foods with iodine, sea salt, kelp, and do not take vitamin supplements that contain iodine.
You may benefit from taking vitamins E, C, B-complex, calcium, zinc, Omega-3 and a multivitamin as well.
Some people need surgery to remove their thyroid when nothing else works for them. If you have been on meds for two years and you start doing the above things and they don't help then thyroidectomy surgery may be your only option.
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Other Answers (2)
- Have you ever tried radioactive iodine treament along with a antithyroid medication? That may benefit you.
As for the medication, I wouldn't have a clue as my friend got grave's not me so you will probably need to discuss it with your specialist.
Best of luck! - Go see an endocrinologist.
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