Resolved Question
Which is better? Homeopathy or Allopathy? If homeopathy why?
What is the difference between both of these? I heard homeopathy has no side effects. Can homeo cure all the diseases? Thanks a lot for your replies..
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Though the controversy rages on, there's no need to think of one healing modality as "better" than another. Such judgmental thinking makes no positive contribution to health. These two styles of therapy operate on different assumptions, different belief systems, and they function in different ways.
Allopathic medicine is based on medical science -- study of the systems of the body, the functions of the organs, and the various injuries or ailments that can disrupt normal functioning. It's basically analytical and symptom-driven, operating with the attitude of treating problems -- doing battle against whatever is wrong with the body.
Homeopathy takes a whole different approach. Its philosophy carries the idea that the body knows how to heal itself, and when an illness occurs, the body just needs a hint about how to respond. Homeopathic medicines are generally highly diluted natural products (rather than pharmaceuticals) that are meant to stimulate the body's natural immune system. For example, to treat the allergy to poison oak, poison ivy, or sumac, a homeopathic remedy is a very dilute form of rhus toxin -- the very agent that causes inflammation! By introducing a tiny measure of the toxin to the body, the idea is that the body will respond by developing a resistance to the toxin, so that a later exposure to the plants will not cause an outbreak.
Just as the pharmaceutical medicines and surgical procedures of allopathy don't work every time for everybody, the gentle nudges to the body's immune system don't always work in homeopathy. Both systems take advantage of the "placebo response," though -- when a person receives a treatment, there's a psychological value that helps the healing.
There are other health treatment systems in addition to these two, such as the health-building orientation (rather than symptom-treating) of Chinese medicine, the ayurvedic system of India that is based on the patient's body type, shamanic ceremonies from many indigenous cultures, and many other traditions and innovative therapies. Though there are advocates of many of these systems who believe theirs is "best," the truth is that people derive benefit from whatever system is dominant in their culture. We have the advantage of being able to draw on many systems.
Allopathic medicine is based on medical science -- study of the systems of the body, the functions of the organs, and the various injuries or ailments that can disrupt normal functioning. It's basically analytical and symptom-driven, operating with the attitude of treating problems -- doing battle against whatever is wrong with the body.
Homeopathy takes a whole different approach. Its philosophy carries the idea that the body knows how to heal itself, and when an illness occurs, the body just needs a hint about how to respond. Homeopathic medicines are generally highly diluted natural products (rather than pharmaceuticals) that are meant to stimulate the body's natural immune system. For example, to treat the allergy to poison oak, poison ivy, or sumac, a homeopathic remedy is a very dilute form of rhus toxin -- the very agent that causes inflammation! By introducing a tiny measure of the toxin to the body, the idea is that the body will respond by developing a resistance to the toxin, so that a later exposure to the plants will not cause an outbreak.
Just as the pharmaceutical medicines and surgical procedures of allopathy don't work every time for everybody, the gentle nudges to the body's immune system don't always work in homeopathy. Both systems take advantage of the "placebo response," though -- when a person receives a treatment, there's a psychological value that helps the healing.
There are other health treatment systems in addition to these two, such as the health-building orientation (rather than symptom-treating) of Chinese medicine, the ayurvedic system of India that is based on the patient's body type, shamanic ceremonies from many indigenous cultures, and many other traditions and innovative therapies. Though there are advocates of many of these systems who believe theirs is "best," the truth is that people derive benefit from whatever system is dominant in their culture. We have the advantage of being able to draw on many systems.
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Other Answers (6)
- There's no controversy, homeopathy is a monumental scam. It has no side effects because it's just water, it has no effect at all. Homeopathic "medicine" is so diluted that it contains no active ingredient. It's all based on pseudoscientific lies. To make a 30C dilution, the most common in homeopathy, you would need one drop (1mL) of the "active" ingredient, and a sphere of water with the same diameter as the Milky Way Galaxy. Or consider this Wikipedia quote:
[30C is the] Dilution advocated by Hahnemann for most purposes: on average, this would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for 4 billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original material to any patient.
Tap water in America can contain arsenic at concentrations of 1 to 10^8 or 1 molecule of arsenic for every 100,000,000 molecules of water because at that dilution it cannot possibly have any effect on people. A 30C dilution means 1 molecule of the "cure" to 1,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000 molecules of water. Only a heartless criminal could call homeopathy medicine.
Also, the term "allopath" is an insulting term for real doctors coined by the inventor of homeopathy. Doctors consider being called an "allopath" as offensive as a racial slur.
In short, real medicine has cured billions of people from horrible diseases and saves millions more every day. Homeopathy has never once helped a single person and never will. - There is no controversy, homeopathy is preposterous nonsense and a downright scam. If you research how it is supposed to work you will be shocked. Preparations contain zero active ingredients - not one molecule - and the 'like cures like' notion has no basis in science or reality. Homeopathy does NOT perform better than placebo under proper clinical trials, and that's why it has no side effects except lightening your wallet, and is perhaps dangerous if you forgo real medicine if needed. Beware of the pseudoscientific flim flam offered up by homeopaths to sell their snake oil.
Please read:
"Homeopathy - how could any honest person sell this rubbish?"… - Homeopathy has never been proven to work. Therefore it cures no diseaase at all.
Anything you will see is either spontaneous recovery or placebo effect.
this is corroborated by the fact that no homeopath, except insane quacks, would attempt to cure something life-threatening such as sepsis or cancer with homeopathy.
go figure. - homoeopathic mother tinctures have some active ingredients.
presence of medicine in the diluted potencies can not be proved,
study PLACEBO effect
and decide yourself - Homeopathy coz its permanent and has no side effects but its a very slow healing process which requies you to be patient
- Yes Feral is right.
Gary and William are wrong
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