Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sodium chloride, oxygen molecules - will it create toxicity?

Resolved Question

Sodium chloride, oxygen molecules - will it create toxicity?

I am planning on to use sodium chloride oxygen molecules. Would there be any toxicity?

The product I would like to use is that one:

sodium chloride, oxygen molecules…

I will use the suggested dose, that is, "15 drops in 8 oz. of water three times daily" .

Would there be any side effects, toxicity or any harm to organs?

It appears that I have oxygen deficiency and bacterias in the blood - so an oxygen supplement would help a lot. And if it really improves my condition, would using this dosage in the long term give some harm?

Additional Details


some details more are there:…

I will use the suggested serving size of "15 drops in 8 oz. of water three times daily" and what would be the maximum I can use without any sort of toxicity or harmful effect? can I use more than that and maximum what amount?

2 days ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

NO because there is nothing wrong when oxygen is mixed with salt. I work in a cryogenics plant and mess with LOX (liquid oxygen) all day long. I am sure I have come in contact with salt and the pure oxygen that is liquid. If you have oxygen deficiency take a few breaths of LOX; it will give you a good cure. Good Luck.

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Other Answers (1)

  • This product is a scam. You can't 'oxiginate' water.
    The water basically contains table salt (sodium chloride) at minimal levels (<5 mg). This can basically be considered negligible sodium intake (if you use the recommended dose).
    Like eating a hamburger and fries will probably give you equivalent salt content as the whole liquid in the bottle, although i'm not recommending drinking the whole bottle, just using it as a comparison.
    Next they list 'oxygen molecules'. This is essentially the air we breath, and cannot be 'put' into water. They could probably put some air into it, under pressure that is, but it would escape the second the pressure is removed, resulting in just a salt water mixture.
    Think of it like this, fizzy drinks contain CO2 molecules (just think of it as the same as oxygen molecules).
    Sure enough it is 'inside' the fizzy drink mixture, but as soon as we open the cap it immediately starts to escape. Next any CO2 we ingest we burp out. Gasses DON'T enter our body through our stomachs. We don't ingest oxygen by eating it. We breath it in.
    If the little bottle happened to have any oxygen molecules in it, and you did drink them, you would burp them out within a minute or so.

    What you are buying is essentially a saline mixture. It is purely a waste of money. They are trying to rip you of.

    The iHerb page is very misleading.
    Yes we do need oxygen, and no we can't take it in through our body via eating it, we have to breath it in. The little article thing says this itself.
    But then, the article is also selling a product which claims to put oxygen in your body through physically ingesting it, or eating it. A bit of a contradiction here...

    I'll say this one more time, we only can ingest oxygen by breathing it in. Any form of oxygen that enters our stomach is burped out.
    The product likely contains no oxygen molecules (you can see this yourself by checking if it bubbles similar to a fizzy drink, which i doubt it does, considering you would have to have pressure containers and what not).
    It is just water and salt. A waste of money.

    Oh yeah, in answer to your original question, is it toxic, well just consider it having the same toxicity of salt. Each serving of 0.7g has at least 5 milligrams of salt in it. Don't even consider it to have oxygen molecules. And regardless these aren't toxic anyway (under normal conditions, but don't worry about that). Water isn't toxic either unless you drink enough to kill yourself.
    No reaction occurs between any of the compounds in the bottle, so don't worry about anything like that.
    Just don't drink heaps if you do buy the bottle, as you will get high blood pressure etc from high salt intake.



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