Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What are the benefits of fenugreek?

Resolved Question

What are the benefits of fenugreek?

I am taking 3 capsules a day (1 capsule worth 1000mg) of fenugreek a day in order to balance my hormones since I am a girl, and my testosterone levels are throught the roof. I was wondering, what other benefits am I getting with fenugreek?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Well, I don't know who has been giving you advice, but I would dump them.

See, the body makes female hormones from testosterone (surprise!) and in order to do that, you need something called sex-binding globulin. If that's not working in the body, I'm guessing your female hormones are going to be low as well (in addition to the testosterone being high). Just a guess, there are a couple other things that could be going on - but fenugreek wouldnt have much to do with any of those either....

Fenugreek doesn't effect sex binding globulin, but it does effect other hormones down the line...for one thing I would expect your breasts to swell, and water retention....and a really heavy cycle with bad cramps...If you had just had a baby I would say its good for producing milk....but I'm guessing you didnt.

Dont be surprised if your urine and/or sweat begins to smell something like spicy maple syrup. It does that to most people who take that much

Some folks also use it to reduce farting (no kidding) and to help with digesting fatty foods.

Good Luck

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Other Answers (2)

  • Fenugreek can also aid the digestive process, as well as regulate the blood sugar levels in your body.


  • its a great herb
    have various effects but no side effect
    1-relives from gastrop problem
    2-balaNCE HORMONES


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