Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I need the cure for headaches!?

Resolved Question

I need the cure for headaches!?

do you have any home remedies? i get migraines and ive been to the doctor and he thought it had to do with dehydration, but im not really buying it. i have to admit ibuprofen works for me, but the only thing is i don't want to be taking pills all the time!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Well, dehydration can trigger a migraine, as well as just triggering a regular garden variety headache. If the Motrin is working for you, then it's possible that your headaches are stress related and due to muscle tension. Motrin is an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant type medication. The trouble with finding a cure is that there are several different reasons you can have one and it's a matter of finding what works for you and also what triggers you have. Some headaches are due to vascular constriction, that is the veins and arteries clamp down and don't deliver enough blood. In that case, caffeine is often helpful and a double espresso can do the trick, along with a couple of aspirin. If you have vasodialation, then the opposite is happening, and the veins/arteries are just about wide open as they can get. Those headaches can be triggered by too much caffeine or even sugar, and about the best thing for those headaches is an ice pack to help encourage things to shrink down. Of course, if you aren't drinking enough fluid, you can have a salt/water imbalance, which can actually give you a roaring good headache. Folks with dehydration will often remark that their head is just splitting, and usually in that case when we are able to get enough fluids into them the headache will go away shortly. Honestly, the cure or treatment depends on what the cause of the headache is. If you can figure that out, you will have some idea how to treat it. In your case, you might try heat packs to the rear neck and the spot where it hurts most, and see what you might be doing to overstress either yourself or the muscles. You might even consider having your eyes checked, because eye strain is sometimes the fault. It could be your computer screen or even your posture, your job, your workmates irritating you, all or any of those things. You can also see a chiropractor and get a realignment done, which can help. Hopefully you now have some ideas of things you can try. Good luck.


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Other Answers (7)

  • For treating symptoms:
    Feverfew will help the pain, ginkgo biloba aids circulation and can reduce sensitivity to light and sound, peppermint will help with the nausea.

    At the onset:
    Take lecithin (between 3 and 6 1,200 mg capsules ) at the first sign of a migraine- it lessens both length and severity of the headache.
    Inhale essential oil of lavender at the beginning of a migraine- this also can lessen pain and duration.

    To prevent occurrences:
    Avoid avocados, aged meats, chocolate, MSG, nitrites, canned fish, alcohol and dairy products. And get regular Chiropractic adjustments, they really do help.
  • it happens to me all the time. your doctor is right. you need to be drinking more water but no more then the recommended daily amount. and to see if your dehydrated (this may sound gross), when you go to the bathroom, check the color of your waste. if its kinda clear to a milky-light yellow color, your good on the water. but if its yellow to a dark yellow, your dehydrated.
  • Gluten intolerance is a common cause of migraine headaches. Gluten is found in wheat, oats, barley and rye. Gluten intolerance is becoming more and more common with our high intake of wheat products. Many people have GI but have no idea that they have it as symptoms vary from person to person. Some people get migraines, others suffer from acne, there can be autoimmune diseases, IBS......the list is endless. You could try going on a gluten free diet and see if your headaches go away. The following link discusses the connection between gluten and migraines.

  • Best solution for headache is to drink a glass of water in morning, before you eat or drink something else. And early in the morning take long breath in front of open window where you get fresh air. And one more thing your doctor is right, just drink more water as you can.
  • i guess it depends on where they come from...eye strain, your neck...roll your neck back and forth

    eye strain rub your temples or get contacts

    also my mom taught me to feel for sore spots on top of my head and to rub them..that helps me
  • Red peppers, the hotter the better, help with my headaches.


  • your doctor might have been right. drinking more water (especially during summer) usually stops mine.


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