Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is safe alternative to (NSAIDs) Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs?

Resolved Question

What is safe alternative to (NSAIDs) Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Tylenol may not be an NSAID but it is nevertheless a mainstream drug not found in nature and thus it can have side effects as almost all such drugs do. In the case of tylenol (acetaminophen), those side effects can include appetite loss, diarrhea, liver failure and death.

Some of the best natural anti-inflammatories are:

* Cayenne pepper
* Ginger (whole root or extract)
* Curcumin (turmeric)
* Omega 3 sources such as fish oil, salmon, walnuts and flaxoil
* Tart cherries - Knudson's black cherry juice is especially good
* Ginseng
* Green Tea
* Barberry
* Holy Basil
* Rosemary
* Oregano

What you do not consume may have as much or more effect on inflammation than remedies you take to combat it. Pro-inflammatory foods will increase inflammation, increase your pain from the inflammation and may also raise your risk for chronic disease. Loading up on junk foods, high-fat meats, sugar and fast foods will increase inflammation in your body. This is partially due to the unhealthy fats used in preparing and processing these foods, especially trans fats and saturated fats. Processed meats such as lunch meats, hot dogs and sausages contain chemicals such as nitrites that are associated with increased inflammation and chronic disease.

Saturated fats are also found in meats, dairy products and eggs. While all of these foods are important source of minerals and vitamins, you don't need the extra saturated fat. These foods also also contain fatty acids called arachidonic acid. While some arachidonic acid is essential for your health, too much arachidonic acid in the diet may make your inflammation worse. Be sure to choose low fat milk and cheese and lean cuts of meat, which will not promote inflammation.

Diets high in sugar have also been associated with inflammation, obesity and chronic disease such as diabetes. Eliminate high sugar foods such as sodas, soft drinks, pastries, pre-sweetened cereals and candy.


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Other Answers (4)

  • Tony gave you good advice, but I would also encourage you to look into the herbs Boswellia and Turmeric. Those are some amazing herbs that can be used to treat all kinds of inflammation. They dont have the same pain relieving properties, but you can use other herbs for that. They can help arthritis and ulcerative colitis, and Turmeric might even help MS.

    Olive oil is a Cox-2 inhibitor.
  • Tylenol is acetominaphin, which is a different type of drug than an NSAID. A Cox-2 inhibitor is a good option. You'll need an Rx from a doctor. It inhibits pain in your joints, muscles, etc. but without affecting your gut.
  • You could try Boldo and herb tablets.


  • Tylenol


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