Resolved Question
Why is the world against assisted suicide?
Picture this:
you're elderly, sick, in immense pain and unable to get out of a hospital bed; your family is suffering because you're suffering, they're in a huge debt keeping you alive and every one of them is going through agonising mental pain because they have to watch you slowly fade away, painfully. You spend every night awake, wishing you would just die because the pain is so great and there's nothing you can do to stop your inexorable death. Your family doesn't want you to die but your pain brings them to tears every night because there is nothing they can do to take it away.
Your choice is to die, or for you and your family to suffer, and then you die.
Now tell me why assisted suicide is wrong.
you're elderly, sick, in immense pain and unable to get out of a hospital bed; your family is suffering because you're suffering, they're in a huge debt keeping you alive and every one of them is going through agonising mental pain because they have to watch you slowly fade away, painfully. You spend every night awake, wishing you would just die because the pain is so great and there's nothing you can do to stop your inexorable death. Your family doesn't want you to die but your pain brings them to tears every night because there is nothing they can do to take it away.
Your choice is to die, or for you and your family to suffer, and then you die.
Now tell me why assisted suicide is wrong.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
i agree with you 100%. my life is my life. if at any time i want to end it i should be able to. in the case of elderly in pain the doctors are simply prolonging something that is a very natural part of life..death. Death is so natural yet doctors have to keep people living...and families want to hold on to the attachment that they have to that person even if keeping them alive is not the ethical thing to do.
Death is painful only to the living.
Death is painful only to the living.
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Other Answers (8)
- Any hit man might tell one nothing is wrong with "assisted"
suicide, as long as the pay is good! No one has the right to
take a life, but helping to ease the pain, is allowed.
This is up to the person dying to either to administer their own
pain medication, or be kept alive with the dose given by a nurse.
Age (being elderly) makes
no difference, even the young can be terminal.
If the pain is bad enough, the person Over Doses, if not the person
gets better. No excuses... If the person is not terminal, be
sure that they are getting the best care possible, and are not
being kept in pain. - It is only really thought as wrong by the religious nutcases. To be honest, they're never happy unless somebody somewhere is suffering 'in god's name'.....
Luckily, with the demise of religion, common sense is shining through and many governments not only allow it but issue licences to organisations to carry it out. Hopefully, by the time we all get to that point we'll be able to get it without making a flight to another country.Source(s):
- well obviously a lot of people go by the religious views of assisted suicide in its various forms, and that holds a lot of sway over the matter.
but i think a lot of people simply find the concept frightening, and hard to understand - if they haven't experienced such a terrible situation in which they'd most likely think about ending their life.
i'm not against it, but i can't help getting a shiver when i hear about people wanting to end their lives - because it goes against the natural instinct of survival, felt by all creatures. i'm sure if i was in the situation you describe, i WOULD want to go through with it, but otherwise, it is a fairly unimaginable feeling! - Life is sacred. That is why suicide/ assisted suicide is wrong. It is a simple fact. Life is sacred.
My sister is in the position you describe except that she is not elderly. She is in great pain. I understand your hypothesis. She wants to be out of pain. But the fact remains, life is sacred. She will not end her life because her life is valuable and precious. Her life is more valuable than pain. Her life is more valuable than cost. Her life is sacred. - I agree with you. Having a living will and lots of morphine is about the best you can do though. I think a lot of money is wasted trying to keep somebody alive that has no quality of life and that has no hope of ever getting better.
- In that situation, its not assisted suicide, its Euthanasia, something which I believe in. Yes the world is against it, sadly. I dont know why, but many scandinavian countrys allow it
- my choice is to die if it were me on the bed suffering.dun wan to let my family suffer more for keep me alive .they are already suffering .
but why is the world against assisted suicide ,i have no comments. - Obviously, you have never heard of the hemlock society....its no longer around anymore, but when it fell apart, other groups sprang up...they are listed at the bottom of this page…
Not everyone is against assisted suicide....but the media has a way of not picking it up...
I happen to live in Jack Kevorkian's hometown....lemme tell ya, he had plenty of support from the common people in the form of signs in store windows and such...Where he failed the cause was by taking the matter a too "over the top", and putting it on 60 minutes - in the process he managed to piss off the Oakland county prosecutor with a fury...thats what landed him in prison...
Plenty of medical professionals are all for it too...I hate to tell all the "pro-lifers" this, but its not all that uncommon in cases as the ones you propose for the patients doses of morphine to be saved for a couple of days and dispensed at once...
Just do a little more research....
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