Monday, August 31, 2009

I took 8 tylenol pills at once?

Resolved Question

I took 8 tylenol pills at once?

extra strength and ended up falling asleep for a while is it bad that i did that, my neck was really sore and i had a really bad headache but now im feeling a lot better

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why dont you like my name?

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Other Answers (20)

  • I'm sorry, but that was kind of stupid. For a sore neck and a bad headache, two would have been fine. Tylenol thins your blood, and is pretty harsh on your liver. It does relax you so falling asleep probably wasn't that bad, but like I said, the whole overdosing thing could have been. My bottle of off-brand Tylenol (It basically is Tylenol, just made by Safeway brand) says "In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. Quick medical attention is critical for adults as well as for children even if you do not notice any signs or symptoms."


  • I don't know if tylenol would make you sleepy in a normal dose, I've never taken 8 at a time. They do relax you so maybe that's why you slept but I wouldn't make a habit of taking so many at once, it's not good for your liver it has to filter that out of your blood.
    Maybe try taking some maximum strength Aleve or Motrin for inflammation.
  • you should be fine but if you have any weird things happening to you, definitely contact poison control.
    they say you can take 6-8 Tylenol pills everyday if spaced out properly. like if you take two every 4 hours or something. maybe read the back of the bottle to see what side affects they have.
  • That was bad for you. You should be fine but keep an eye out for side effects. Who knows what it did to your liver that you may be unaware of and who knows how long it will take to get completely out of your system? doing that more than once can add up, so just because you got away with it just now, doesn't mean you're immune.
  • ...Eh you should not have done that.
    I was kind of an abuser of Vicodin.
    And really when you take that many pills (depending on body mass) you make have managed to cause damage to your liver.

    Which can lead to many other things.


  • Well since you are still amongst the living I guess you will be alright. The only thing about taking so many at one time is the liver damage you could be causing. Make this the only time you try this one the next time you may not be as lucky.
  • remember Tylenol thins your blood... so if you are cut soon you probably wont be able to stop the bleeding and should head to the ER. But if you do not get cut I think you are good... but it is REALLY bad on your liver too
  • No, you should read the directions before using any medication and follow the instructions. One time isn't going to hurt you, but over a long period of time using excessive amounts can cause liver issues.
  • Don't do that ever again! Tylenol poisoning is a much more complicated problem for hospital emergency rooms than aspirin poisoning! Sheesh!
  • Just keep watch on how you're feeling, if something happens, or you feel worse than you did before, go check in with a doctor.
  • tylenol is bad for your liver! never take more than is recommended because it could cause liver damage or failure. if you have any odd symptoms later go see a Dr.
  • Can you say STUPID! You should have asked the question before you put your health in danger . you have risked liver and kidney damage.
  • You should be fine, but it is not wise to take that many at once. Tylenol is very hard on your liver.
  • As long as your not a half-pint you should be just fine.But for just a sore neck 2 would have worked.
  • u shouldnt take that much next time if you can go to the hospital because takeing tylenol can cause heart problem in long terms. so just be careful
  • This could seriously affect your liver. Get yourself checked NOW.
    CALL 991!
  • Lucked out next time you might not wake up, hope you weren't chasing them with alcohol!
  • Your stomach lining and liver will not be thanking you any time soon.
  • Karma is right. That stuff will kill you slowly.


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