Monday, August 24, 2009

Cocain and Alcohol.. Is it possible to stop?

Resolved Question

Cocain and Alcohol.. Is it possible to stop?

Okay, so my boyfriend is 28 and has used cocain and alcohol for many years.. The doctors told him to stop because the cocain is messing up his heart and his body is full of amonia from the alcohol..
Well, he stopped for awhile, but when he gets with his friends he goes back at it.. I can smell the alcohol (because I don't drink) and I can smell the cocain coming out of his skin and his face shape changes. (I don't use that mess either)
He tells me he can stop even though he is with his friends that do it.. But, what do you think? Do you think it is possible to never use cocain again even though you are watching other people do it?
How addictive is cocain (snorting it) ?

Additional Details

He can get it free because his friends give it to him.. And he pays lots of my bills..

23 hours ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

The only way to stop is to diss -associate from his friends.
It is possible to stop but it is a traumatic time and he'll need support.
After your other question and reading this it sounds like you are dependant on him- IT STILL doesn't mean you have to remain like that- THERE ARE choices and some may be radical but I would definately contact ALL of your family- right down to cousin and ask for help.
LIVING is one of the most important things in life- it doesn't sound like you are doing too much of that lately.

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Other Answers (11)

  • Hi,

    Cocaine is a highly addictive drug on its own and is made twice as potent when alcohol is involved. It is a particularly dangerous blend.

    Your boyfriend is hooked, line and sinker and needs to accept the fact sooner rather than later.

    He will be thinking that it makes him more sociable, sexually stimulated, more confident and physically stronger. But it is my experience that they lose whatever natural confidence they had prior to taking it so that they are now only ever confident on cocaine. It is common also to ONLY be sexually aroused when on cocaine rather than naturally turned on whenever the mood is present. In short whatever the assumed benefits of cocaine are you in fact end up with the opposite effect sooner or later. So euphoria turns into depression. A feeling of strength turns to illness and so on.

    He needs epxert help and sooner the better.


  • most people who have drug problems have to go to rehab multiple times before they kick the habit. They for sure have to change friends. Cocaine is very addictive. As soon as you do it you want more. thats a fact. its also very expensive so its easy for people who do it to turn to stealing to pay for it.


  • Cocaine is extremely addictive. He needs to get treatment and leave his friends permanently to stop or he'll likely always be tempted. He'll probably need to hit rock bottom before he stops. He will not stop for you. Leave him before he screws up your life, finances, etc. And when he stops for good and is clean a while, then you can reconsider gettng back together with him. Sorry this is cold hearted...but its the truth...people who have this same experience will tell you the same.
  • Cocaine is extremely physically addictive, but so are our social habits. It's one reason it's so difficult for people to lose weight—hard to break old habits.

    It's possible to quit, but it may involve completely changing his friends. Is he up for that? In time, he might be able to hang out with them once in a while (although it might lose interest for him, if he's the only one not using), but he would have to spend a significant amount of time away from that culture.

    That doesn't say anything about how to quit, just one aspect of it.
  • I live next door to a couple that were both once drug addicts. They are clean and don't touch drugs. They do use methadone, and are really nice people. So yes, it is possible to get off drugs if you have the correct help.
  • he can if he wants to but it is plain as day that he does not want to. he obviously doesn't have his priorities straight and that would be enough for me to walk, no make that run from this relationship.
  • yer your deab . i mean dead.
  • I don't think you could smell cocaine on your boyfriend. You don't sweat it out like you do with alcohol (I don't think) and although it is a very distinct odor, I don't think you could smell it unless you were sticking your nose in a bag of it.
    As for it being addictive, it's not physically addictive. Your boyfriend won't have any sort of physical withdrawal symptoms. He wont shake or have horrible physical cravings or anything along those lines. Cocaine isn't physically addicting at all, where as things like crack, heroin, and alcohol are.
    But will he mentally crave it and think about it a lot? Yes, probably.
    Many people who have done cocaine think it's incredible, and if he's able to get it for free, I really wouldn't bet my dollars on him not doing it anymore.
    I think the only chance he has of stopping is not hanging out with those friends anymore and you kind of giving him an ultimatum.
  • If he wants to stop cocaine he needs to leave when they are doing it. Cocaine is highly addictive and just seeing it gives you very big cravings that can ruin your night.

    Especially if they are giving it for free, that's something a cocaine addict will find hard to deny as it is a very expensive drug.

    EDIT: Rachel, you haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Cocaine is definitely physically addictive. Do you know what crack is? It's cocaine, just in a different form.


  • Yeah of course it's possible to stop, he needs to break away from them "friends" get his head sorted out, it takes a lot of will power and determination and he'll need all your support and i know this sounds silly but you HAVE to be firm with him and tell it like it is..

    Cocaine is highly addictive and mixing it with alcohol eventually his body will just not be able to cope with the damage anymore.. Trust me i know what it's like, my friend was in a similar situation a few months ago and i helped her get on the straight and narrow, my mother was also a Cocaine addict and that didn't end to well

    But good luck to both of you and i hope he gets sorted out for both of your sakes.. :)
  • Cocaine and alcohol can both be physically addictive and become much moreso when combined. As alcohol brings one down, the cocaine brings one "up" maintaining a feeling of "sobriety." The problem is, as one is high on cocaine, they drink more, and once the cocaine high ends, they're even more drunk, so the feeling is that they need more cocaine to feel "sobre" again.

    You say "many years". Many years of cocaine is a LONG TIME. Cocaine, unfortunately has a very short high and a very rough "come down". To prevent the "come down", many drink more or do more coke.

    Snorting cocaine is very, very highly addictive and I think your boyfriend is likely to need a program to recover. Chances are he'll deny that. A good place for you to start is a recovery group for those with loved ones suffering from addiction, like AL-ANON. Good luck. If you should choose to stay in this sitution, it will not be easy, and many times, drugs and alcohol are chosen over people.

    I wish you much success.

    Note: While your b/f can get it free from his friends, no one is rich enough to be addicted to cocaine. As you know, and this is why you've asked this question, no money in the world will buy off a heart attack or cirhossis of the liver. This can only get worse. At what point will your boyfriend start to miss work because of his addiction? Then, who will pay your bills? I have a feeling that you likely have strong feelings for him, and I hope that those feelings aren't blinding you from seeing what is very likely a very, tough ugly future.

    The sad thing is, when one needs to be high to have a good time, there is almost always something, whether it's in their past, or something they're still dealing with that they're choosing to avoid or get away from. Counselling and complete abstinence are his only way out. Beneath the cocaine and alcohol is probably a very, very nice, sweet guy who secretly despises having lost control of himself.

    How do I know? Been there.


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