Monday, August 31, 2009

Stop smoking side effects?

Resolved Question

Stop smoking side effects?

I stopped smoking approximately 3 month ago with the patch nicoderm

I did follow the prescription by the book. I was smoking 2 to 3 packs a day
Those 3 months were hell and very slowly I am getting out of it but I feel better.
I feel also very depressed from and I was wondering if I could not take a herbal medicine to help me going through those phases because it is not easy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I have just quit smoking by using acupuncture. The chinese person that did it told me that it would take between 3-5 sessions and that I would soon feel better. I have these small seed things in my ear which are taped on and which I must press whenever I feel like a cigarette - you can feel it working when you press them. I can't describe the sensation, but it's like an immediate relaxation of your entire body and mind. You can also have acupuncture for stress and depression. I was sceptical at first, but it is working for me and clinical research shows the acupuncture works as well - not merely through the placebo effect either.

Since having the acupuncture I have felt relaxed, cheerful and more energetic. I am having no cravings and feel much better than when I quit cold turkey or with the nicotine inhalator.

Herbs to improve your mood include: 5htp and Rhodiola Rosea - I have taken both of these for 3 years now and they work very well. Take the 5htp at night and the RR in the morning.

Well done for quitting. It's really difficult to do.

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Other Answers (1)

  • Congrats on quitting! I've been trying to convince my dad to stop since i was 10 years old, but hes still smoking like a lunatic. Yes, well try to satisfy your cravins with something else you can ejoy such as tea, chocolate etc. lol okay thats a very inexperienced vague answer. But i do know cigarrettes come under the "stimulants" section of drugs, and therefore stimulate brain thought, body etc. Maybe you're missing these effects? Why don't you try coffee and see if you get the same "hit"? Good luck to you :)


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