Resolved Question
Pain pills for anxiety? if so how much?
Stupid i know, but will it work? I haven't any other options my parents haven't gotten my health insurance or something like that. I have severe worry/panic attacks over really stupid things, i can't think straight along with other things i already named in another, longer question that was left unanswered. Please i don't want to read something like changing my diet or getting more sleep. i haven't drank any caffeine in a long time. and I CANT SLEEP!!!
Additional Details
Xanax isn't available to me right now and school starts tomorrow. I don't have health insurance so i can't go to the clinic. My parents where going to pay a doctor but the nurse said that doctors don't cover that and that i need to see psychiatrist for that.
22 hours ago
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Probably, not it could possibly make it worse. But, and im being serious here. If you live in a state that has medical marijuana, talk to your doctor, that will help with your Anxiety and your Insomnia (sleep disorder). If you don't live in a medical marijuana state, find your local dealer. GOOD LUCK!
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Other Answers (13)
- I don't think you should get in the habit of that.
Hear me out... fentanol and methadone are extreme pain killers. Fentanol is about 100 times stronger than morphine. You want to know of another drug that is also in this category? Heroine. Seriously... you WILL develop a tollerance to pain killers. And they soon will not work anymore, and you'll want something stronger...
I think you should think of something other than pain killers to treat anxiety.
Personally, what works for me is doing active things. I run about 30 miles a week on average, sometimes up to 50... I ride my bike almost every day for a couple hours, and I rock climb a few times a week. Exercise will help regulate chemicals in your brain, plus you'll be so exhausted at the end of the day that you'll fall asleep. After a couple weeks you'll be able to relax on your own. This is the best natural cure there is.
I speak from EXPERIENCE. Trust me, at one point I was sleeping 3 hours a night for around four months straight. After about 2 weeks of intense exercise, I was sleeping 8 hours plus. You DO NOT want to get into the habit of relying on pain killers.
Dude why do you want pills so badly? You're 14. This can't have been one of those prolonged problems where nothing else has worked. Even to adults, they rarely perscribe psychiatric medication. In order to perscribe medication, doctors want to see that you have tried other things, which includes psychotherapy, and they have no worked. Medication is a LAST RESORT. There is no way in the world that you're going to be able to walk into a doctor's office and be able to get pills right of the bat. The only way that will happen is if you are a danger to yourself and a danger to others.
You're 14... your brain and your body are still developing. You have no idea how strong and how dangerous psychiatric medication can be. Stop looking for pills to solve this problem. It's hard to have any sympathy if you haven't taken action on your own and tried anything else yet. If you really cared about solving this problem, you'd try other things. You have anxiety, NOT schizophrenia.
Like I said... I had horrible anxiety, slept for 3 hours a night (a couple times a week I'd only sleep about 2 hours). I looked for ways to solve this problem on my own. And it worked. I didn't even see a psychotherapist - and needless to say, a doctor. My solution cost me zero dollars. You can do it! I'm not much older than you and I did.
And I see other people mentioning meditation... that works as well. Not for me, but for some people it does. It's on the other side of the spectrum. If you want something similar to meditation but more active, take martial arts classes. Ever since my friend started taking Hapkido, his grades skyrocketted. He's currently a senior and he's in 4 AP classes... cummulative GPA is a 4.4. He's also a black belt... in order to become a black belt, you need to be able to take down two armed opponents. So it's a very useful skill as well. Try doing something constructive!
You seem very set on looking for pills - I don't know what it's going to take to get you to look elsewhere, but seriously - DON'T DO IT. I know someone close to me who overdosed on an anti-anxety medication because he became so tollerant that he needed more and more just to be able to close his eyes at night. He took more, and he was definitely able to close his eyes... for a very long time... - which kind of pain pills often opiate derivatives like Vicodin and percocet will increase anxiety in times of stress. I would try to get your hands on some paxil, or somthing of that nature, also less additive, but try taking some sleep aids like Nyquil or an OTC PM pain killer.
- it depends on what kind and how strong these pain pills are. i suggest that you start with about five of these pills you have and drink about three beers with them. if you wake up, then take a couple more and switch to vodka.
- Explain to your doctor that you are nervous and have difficulty concentrating. They'll know what to prescribe, especially if you are on a limited budget. Just ask for the generic brand.
- zanex for sure.. its exactly what i use.. works perfectly.. i do the same thing.. worrying about stupid stuff.. zanex isnt too much but it gives u just the right amount of stuff to calm you down and let your mind rest... mi parents got that for me from mi doctor
- My suggestion is trying to absorb as much information as you can before making up your mind,here
is a good one. - nope some pain meds will cause anxiety and nervousness. you should try behavior and thought modification since your parents won't pay for you to see a doctor.
- its super dangerous to self medicate. try over the counter sleep medicine. like Tylenol nighttime. make sure whatever you use is made for sleeping and follow the directions.
- U should really go to a doctor and only use meds that prescribed to u. Meds r ver dangerous.if ur parents can't afford ins they can apply fore govt ins.
- No, pain pills are for PAIN not anxiety.
- Hypnosis. It worked for me.
- that is what killed me.
- I have generalized anxiety dissorder so I know how you feel but no pain pills will not help if anything it can make it worse just like alcohol. you really need an anti anxiety I use clonzapan and its great! but since u dont have insurance i guess that wont work for you. another thing that helps is meditation... i kno i kno it sounds wacko but it does help! you can google relaxation techniques
Like another guy stated exercise is another good thing to do! Alot of anti anxiety meds can be very addicting and also the one I am on can cause seizers! So its not as simple as just taking a pill. and do not go to a doctor for this because I did and they just threw all kinds of meds at me that made it 10x worse! u need to see a psychologist to find out why u have these attacks.
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