Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm 18 and suffer from acne and I know that will be good and prescribed by dermatologists to remove it?

Resolved Question

I'm 18 and suffer from acne and I know that will be good and prescribed by dermatologists to remove it?

the truth I'm tired of having pimples every time I eat greasy food happens to me as usual and just want you to tell me that I recommend to completely close the pores and remove blackheads please i really need you help by people of experience

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

I had bad acne when I was younger, I had to see a dermatologist but I got it all cleared up. The worst thing you can do is wait, I did and I have scarring on my back and shoulders as a result. The dermatologist told me that as long as you are eating a generally healthy diet the specific foods you eat do not really affect your acne. In other words, unless you are living on nothing but deep fried foods, the greasy food isn't actually causing your acne, despite the correlation. Second, I used accutane and it was a miracle. My acne went from horrible to gone in under a month with no side effects whatsoever. It does have some bad ones listed but if you aren't a woman looking to get pregnant or suffering from depression it's extremely unlikely to have any negative effects. You shouldn't base your decision on what I say or what anyone else on this board says though, you should see a dermatologist and listen to them. They spend years studying this stuff and know how to figure out what treatment will work for you and what won't. Last, skin irritants like the acid in apple cider vinegar will make your acne much worse, not better.

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Other Answers (6)

  • It takes oil to drain oil.

    A lot of people swear by mixing castor oil and olive oil and putting it on their acne for around ten to thirty minutes. They than wash it off and complete the process over again through the weeks.

    Castor oil removes the toxins and olive oil moisturizes the skin. Make sure to mix 1/4 cup of each together. To remove the oil from your acne, wash it off with a wash cloth with warm water, but preferably hot water, that's if you can handle the hot water, you don't want to burn your face.

    After your first use, you should see the white heads and blackheads popping up from your skin. You have to complete the process over and over again through several weeks to get them out.

    Don't do the treatment everyday do it ever other day or two days in between. If you do it to much it will irritate or dry out your skin.

    Good luck.

    Also, it really doesn't have to do with the foods you eat. I eat fatty foods all the time and have good skin.

    The thing that makes my skin have a pimple is my hormones and my unwashed hair on my face.

    Do not I repeat, do not have oily hair on your face, and do not scratch your hair than touch your face.

    Its best to sleep with a head wrap to keep the oil off your face.


  • I know how you feel. I had acne all through my teens, and early 20s. I've probably spent thousands on acne products and none worked. I've tried differin and erythromycin, and neither worked, the eryth. made me sick. One of my friends used accutane @ 19, and that stuff worked wonders for him. I mean he had a serious case of acne on his face, back and neck. Within a few months on it, he really started to clear up, and at the end of the 6 months he was a new man.. He went from quiet and reserved to confident and outgoing. I almost started on it but was told you can't drink for the whole time you're on it, and I like the sauce way too much to make that sacrifice. If you don't wanna go the prescription route, I would highly recommend trying Bragg's apple cider vinegar. I used to put on my face each night, but now I just drink a big swig with water every night before bed. The ACV really detoxifies, and gives you a nice glow. When I first started on ACV people thought I started tanning, my skin looked so good! It's dirt cheap, and very effective. Give it a shot. Here is a great website with some ACV testimonials....…


  • It seems to me like an obvious answer would be to stop eating the greasy foods. The old adage about "we are what we eat" seems particularly true when it comes to many acne sufferers and greasy foods, junk foods and fast foods.

    But OK, I understand it is no fun. So, besides cleaning up your diet, two bits of advice:

    First, stay far, far away from Accutane. Look up the side effects and you will see why.

    Second, if you are serious about wanting to get rid of, or at least lessen, acne without mainstream meds, take a look at some of the natural and alternative remedies I collected at:


  • Eveyrbody is different. If you really want the best advice, from people with experience, start with your GP (doctor).

    Loads of unbiased, scientific and up to date information here:…
  • differin worked great for me, i have no pimples
  • i work in a pharmacy and i see a lot of doctors would prescribe differin or epiduo


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