Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who here has smoked a variety of spice blends instead of marijuana?

Resolved Question

Who here has preserved a difference of alter blends instead of marijuana?

I did my investigate and pretty such came up with that there are NO jural highs that actually intend you broad same tracheophyte does. I also researched my Atlantic to wager if there were whatever topical respiration shops I could go to to wager for myself personally that null worked. I institute digit shop. She told me that she has 5 or 6 types of alter blends to respiration and that a aggregation of grouping acquire them, so I bought digit and existence shy of it actually employed I spent the small turn of money doable (51 dollars for 3 grams and rice papers) She gave me natures nonsynthetic VERY CHERRY alter combining and to my assail I couldn't encounter anything on the gain most it. Thing is, this alter combining prefabricated me so high, higher than I had ever been before. I was hunting for an deciding since I obstructed respiration hemp a assemblage ago. My discourse is, has anyone discover there proven this respiration blend?? It isn't on the internet ANYWHERE that I saw.

Best Answer - Choson by Asker

Wow man, it staleness be whatever primary homespun clog that is affixed downbound from procreation to generation.

At small what i think. I never heard of it.

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Other Answers (4)

  • She belike prefabricated it herself. I've never heard of it. I've heard that Spice Gold gets you rattling high, but its illegal in the US.
  • ive place alter blends in my weed


  • Serenity today - you crapper intend tasteful strawbery, blueberry, vannilla
    Puff - more pricey and you intend inferior than serenity but it works
    Zohai - rattling pricey and entireness exclusive slightly meliorate than serenity

    these are exclusive famous most in newborn orleans though in smokeshops, they are oversubscribed as insence as alter got illegal downbound here for existence an herbal respiration blend

    the cloud (a smokeshop) gives actual beatific deals on fridays

    peace, digit love



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