Resolved Question
Do you imagine during anesthesia?
I'm having surgery and feat low generalized anaesthesia in most a week. I'm rattling scared! But also rattling peculiar if grouping imagine during anaesthesia or after, patch waking up? Or do you meet directly consequence up with no thoughts in your head?
Best Answer - Choson by Asker
I've had 38 surgeries--and not digit instance where I dreamed--also, I am ease aware and, generalized anaesthesia isn't rattling that dangerous. Anesthesia puts you into much a unfathomable rest that you cannot wager the discompose of surgery--that's every it is: a deep, unfathomable sleep--that's how I started to wager it. Like I said, I've had 38 surgeries and hour created some problems--don't be scared. Do what they told you to do: don't take or ingest or respiration anything after midnight the period before surgery and you module see, you module meet be fine....
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Other Answers (5)
- you do not imagine during generalized anesthesia. low generalized anaesthesia you wager as though instance has sped up.
when you consequence up you module wager same you were meet locate to rest a instance past and today you are existence woken up. at prototypal you haw not modify actualise the surgery took locate ease cuz instance has flown by.
its same to if you were watching tv and it went to Commercial and you lapse insensible with discover realizing it and then you consequence up and its ease commercialing and its exclusive been a instance since you drifted off.Source(s):
- I had surgery a some weeks ago, You don't imagine when you go under, but its same 5 transactions after and your awake, and when you consequence up, you poverty to sleep, and you can, but the nurses strength poverty you to meet awake, because you hav to ingest the room after, to attain trusty the anestheia didn't afect that area.
- I hit heard grouping feature they advert reckoning backwards and i don't modify advert that. I advert them gift me a effort and then that's it, I don't advert a imagine or anything, then the woman woke me up, but everyone experiences surgery differently.
- I dont advert vision when i went low anesthesia, but i do advert waking up crying, because i didnt poverty to hit surgery. (I was little.)
- You don't imagine at all. You advert feat to rest and then the incoming abstract you undergo you are awake.
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