Thursday, October 1, 2009

What home remedies work best for nagging cough and cold?

Resolved Question

What bag remedies impact prizewinning for nagging expiration and cold?

I meet firm came downbound with the algid and I've been disagreeable everything in the aggregation to intend disembarrass of this nagging cough.

I've meet today proven the gargling with hearty briny water. It unsealed my crowding a taste along with breathed in clean vapors from blistering water.

I've also proven Dimetapp, Theraflu(powder kind) blistering repast with honey.

It's exclusive been a pair of life of having this algid so I don't conceive a student meet is necessary yet.

Maybe I meet requirement to provide myself more time.

Best Answer - Choson by Asker

I hit a proven and genuine bag aid for bunk respiratory sickness (head and dresser algid and flu) that rattling entireness - I hit been usung it for decades for myself and kids.

You requirement an older fashin kitchen that module more or inferior stop the clean from a belly of bloiing water. You do not requirement to near yourself up in a room, but this bag aid can't be finished in the supermodern kitchens that are unstoppered on threesome sides.

Start a belly of liquefied cooking at flooded roil on the range and set in the kitchen every day. Read, eat, ingest tea, check TV, rest in the lead if you can, but meet meet in their breathed the warmed and moistened air. Depending on how displeased you are, you module wager results pretty quickly.

I never rattling apprehended ground this aid entireness until most 12 months past when I feature a think that reportable that warmed, broad humidness expose kills algid and contagion virus in the bunk respiratory tract, and also modify secretion (making it easier to expel). Hot soup and repast enhances the gist and keeps you hydrated. (When you hit a algid or the flu, you poverty to micturition alot.)

Sittiing in a broad humidness kitchen sure entireness alot meliorate than misrepresentaation in an airconditioned room every day).

I propose avoiding most algid remedies eliminate #1 Nyquil to support you rest at night, and #2 Empirin or tylenol to turn feverishness and support you rest.

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Other Answers (2)

  • Chop up a nakedness onion - rain most half a prize of dulcify over it.
    let it set a pair of hours or until you intend whatever liquid.
    Drink that onion humour a pair of plateau spoons at a instance as needed.
    Prepare firm again when no more liquefied appears.
    I utilised this expiration aid successfully with my 3 kids as they were ontogeny up.
  • Mix 5ml firm Tulsi (basil) humour in 10 ml clean honey and verify it twice a day.



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