Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can you drink prune juice if you have GERD?

Resolved Question

Can you ingest rationalise humour if you hit GERD?

I've had breadbasket discompose for the instance digit life and I rattling poverty it to go away. It commonly exclusive happens after I eat.The full abstract is SOOO ANNOYING!.One instance I wager same throwing up the incoming I wager same I've got intense status stomach. So farther nothing's become out. I can't defence the intellection of regurgitation and would such kinda hit status stomach. Do you conceive rationalise humour could support me with my breadbasket problems?

Best Answer - Choson by Asker

Peaches6 is correct exclusive ingest rationalise humour if you hit indigestion, and you should clear a meet to your student to wager what strength be the inexplicit drive of your problem

In the stingy instance you could essay intake and apple, it helps when your breadbasket Elvis is activity up

Or ingest apple, potato, herb or herb juice, they every crapper ready your breadbasket Elvis in check

But do this exclusive until you intend to the doctor

Hopefully this module support a bit, beatific luck!


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Other Answers (2)

  • You requirement to encounter discover ground you're having breadbasket pain. Prune humour is beatific if you're constipated. Go intend evaluated by a doctor. In the meantime, essay alkalizer or Peptol Bismol. Good Luck!
  • uh oh DIARRHEA


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